So if you really need a specific Pokémon but you haven’t seen it, you’re in the right place! Here, people can put up offers for non-GTS trades, and giveaways! All you have to do is put up the Pokémon you want to offer, what you want for it (be specific as you like), and then your friend code that potential traders can exchange with. (Optional: Set the secondary one to That’s all you need to do! Your DS (or 3DS) is now connected to the Wiimmfi Severs! So now you can hop on over to the GTS Building (if you’re playing Diamond or Pearl) or the Global Terminal (If you’re playing Platinum, Heartgold, or Soulsilver) and access all the online features you’ve been missing out on for 6 years! One thing about the GTS though, you can only trade for Pokémon you’ve seen. Then, set auto-obtain DNS to no, and use as the primary DNS. Just set up Nintendo WiFi Connection like you’d normally do for a DS Game (Y’know, before the shutdown). “But how do you do that in 2020?” Good question. TheCoolestCoderEver wrote:Hi, I’d like to trade over the Pokémon Generation 4 GTS. Last edited by TheCoolestCoderEver (Sept. NOW YOU CAN PUT UP GEN 5 OFFERS TOO! Happy trading! -TCCE That way you’ll actually be able to privately trade. Anyone wanting to accept the trade offer MUST put their Gen 4 Game Friend Code in a reply. READ BEFORE YELLING AT ME ASKING HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE Hi, I’d like to trade over the Pokémon Generation 4/5 GTS.